加州要求大学, 以确定学生是加州居民还是非加州居民的学费目的. 学生在申请入学时被问及一系列的住院医师问题. 学生如何回答这些问题决定了他们是否被归类为居民或非居民.
- 住校生:加州住校生, 是在学期开始前在加州居住了至少一年零一天的人, 并表现出将加州作为永久家园的意图. EC § 68017
- 非居民:学费目的的非居民是指在学期开始前没有在加州居住超过一年的学生.
大多数公立学院和大学对居民的收费低于非居民. 居住也是决定学生是否有资格获得某些类型的经济援助的因素之一.
分类 | 居住地 | 注册费用 | 非居民学费 |
居民 |
加州 |
每件46美元 |
没有一个 |
其他州的走读生 |
另一个你.S. 状态 |
每件46美元 |
265美元/每单位 |
对于走读生 |
外国公民:外国公民和居民 |
每件46美元 |
282美元/每单位 |
为了被重新归类为加州居民, 为了支付学费, 住院医师补充调查问卷和证明文件必须说明:
- 在居留决定日期(RDD)之前在美国居住超过一年的联邦资格.
- 在RDD之前在加州实际存在一年以上.
- 在RDD之前,有意将加州作为他们永久的家超过一年.
对你最初的居住决定提出上诉, you must submit a Supplemental 住院医生实习期 Questionnaire (SRQ) along with supporting documents 包括 documents that determine whether you are financially independent.
- K-12学生:大学必须免除所有符合条件的非居民特殊“兼职”K-12学生的非居民学费,B级学生除外, F, 和M签证.
- AB 540学生:如果符合以下所有条件,社区学院区需要免除符合条件的学生的非居民学费:
- 加州的总出勤率(或获得的学分)相当于加州高中三年或三年以上的全日制出勤率, 加州成人学校, 加州社区学院的校园, or a combination of these; or
- 在加州完成三年或三年以上的全日制高中课程, 在加州小学和/或加州中学学习三年或三年以上.
Note: Attendance in credit courses at a Californi社区大学 counted toward this requirement shall not exceed a total of two years of full-time attendance.
- 毕业 from a 加州 high school or equivalent; or
- Attainment of an associate degree from a Californi社区大学; or
- Fulfillment of the minimum transfer requirements established for the University of 加州 or the 加州 状态 University for students transferring from a Californi社区大学
要求注册为入学学生, 或目前的注册人数, 加州一所被认可的高等教育机构. (Ed. 法典第68130条.5,再分. (a)(3).)
Students without lawful immigration status must file an affidavit with their college or university stating that the student has either filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status, 或将提交申请,只要他或她有资格这样做. (Ed. 法典第68130条.5,再分. (a)(4).)
Note: Attendance in credit courses at a Californi社区大学 counted toward this requirement shall not exceed a total of two years of full-time attendance.
• 毕业 from a 加州 high school or equivalent; or
• Attainment of an associate degree from a Californi社区大学; or
• Fulfillment of the minimum transfer requirements established for the University of 加州 or the 加州 状态 University for students transferring from a Californi社区大学
要求5:注册. 要求注册为入学学生, 或目前的注册人数, 加州一所被认可的高等教育机构. (Ed. 法典第68130条.5,再分. (a)(3).)
要求六:无合法移民身份学生的宣誓书. Students without lawful immigration status must file an affidavit with their college or university stating that the student has either filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status, 或将提交申请,只要他或她有资格这样做. (Ed. 法典第68130条.5,再分. (a)(4).)
3. 只修非学分课程的学生免交非居民学费.
4. 害怕DACA学生:
- 获得“童年暂缓入境”(DACA)身份的学生
- 寻求更改签证类别以允许根据(a)(2)建立居留权或根据(a)(3)寻求DACA身份的非公民,
- “这项福利适用于所有美国人.S. 美国公民、永久居民.S., 非移民的外国人(包括无证件的外国人), 谁符合所有其他资格标准.
- DACA并不授予合法移民身份, 这是一种自由裁量的决定,可以推迟移除行动.
- 拥有DACA身份的学生被国土安全部视为在暂缓遣返期间合法居住在美国
- 拥有DACA身份的学生有资格获得非居民学费减免
- DACA学生并非非移民.
是的, 但该法律在1月1日有所改变, 2013, 允许驻扎在加州的退伍军人有更长的居留期限. 另外, 适用于现役军人的家属, 1月1日生效, 2018, being “admitted to” 社区大学 is also an appropriate basis for granting the residency exception for this group of students (see “DEPENDENTS OF ACTIVE MILITARY MEMBERS” section below). See also discussion below related to law changes concerning nonresident veterans and in-state tuition eligibility (SB 85 approved by Governor Brown on June 27, 2017, 哪一个, 除此之外, 修订教育法典第68075条.以反映相关联邦法律的变化).
Students who are members of the armed forces of the United 状态s domiciled or stationed in 加州 as of the residence determination date are entitled to resident classification for purposes of determining the amount of tuition and fees for the duration of their attendance at 社区大学. 就本节而言, “美国武装力量”是指空军, 军队, 海岸警卫队, 海军陆战队, 海军, 以及每种力量的储备成分, 加州国民警卫队, 加州州立军事预备队, 以及加州海军民兵. 如果那个武装部队的成员 of the United 状态s who is in attendance at an institution is thereafter transferred on military orders to a place outside this state where the member continues to serve in the Armed Forces of the United 状态s, 只要继续在该社区学院就读,就不会失去其居民分类. Please note that exclusions or limitations from residency classification for active duty military students related to students “seeking a graduate degree” or “members of the armed forces who were assigned for educational purposes to state-supported institutions of higher education” are no longer applicable under the current statute and federal law.
见法律意见10-05, 哪一个 analyzes the effect of the 2008 reauthorization of the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) on tuition rates for members of the armed forces on active duty, 他们的配偶, 受抚养的孩子. 如法律意见10-05所述, the federal law changes in the HEOA have broadened the applicable situations in 哪一个 a member of the armed forces and his or her dependents may receive the benefit of state resident status for purpose of tuition and fees, 包括军人在本州的“住所”, 但没有在加州服役.
被收养的学生亲生的或被收养的学生, 继子, or spouse and who is a dependent of a member of the armed forces of the United 状态s domiciled or stationed in 加州 on active duty is entitled to resident classification for the purposes of determining the amount of tuition and fees. 对常驻分类的长度没有限制. 如果那个武装部队的成员, 谁的家属在上课, 或已被承认(“被承认”)根据AB 172(查韦斯)添加, 2017年1月1日生效, 2018), 社区大学, is thereafter transferred on military orders to a place outside this state where the member continues on active duty or is thereafter retired as an active member of the armed forces of the United 状态s, 受抚养学生只要继续在该社区学院就读,就不会失去其居民分类. 如上所述,见法律意见10-05.
A student who was a member of the armed forces of the United 状态s stationed in 加州 on active duty for more than one year immediately prior to being discharged shall be exempt from paying nonresident tuition for up to one year if he or she files an affidavit with the community college stating that he or she intends to establish residency in 加州 as soon as possible. 这一年的豁免应在学生居住在该州期间和出院后两年内使用(从1月1日起生效), 2013, AB 2478修订教育法典第68075条.5 to give the student two years to start the one year exemption period as the student may need to temporarily to return to their home state after discharge and may not be able to immediately start their education in 加州). 前美国武装部队成员因不光彩或不良行为被开除军籍的,不符合此豁免条件.
2014年8月, 退伍军人通道, 选择, 2014年和问责法案(VACA法案)签署成为联邦法律(2016年由公法114-315更新). 这需要美国.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to disapprove programs of education under the Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty (MGIB-AD) and Post-9/11 GI Bill education benefit programs (Chapters 30 or 33, 分别, 第38条, U.S. Code) at public institutions of higher learning if the school charges qualifying nonresident veterans and other qualifying individuals (“covered individuals”) tuition and fees in excess of the in-state rate for resident students for terms beginning after July 1, 因此2015年, 加州社区大学开始对“受保个人”实施“州内”费率,从7月以后的学期开始生效, 2015年1月1日,根据颁布的教育法典第68075条的要求.7 (AB 81, 2015; SB 85, 2017). 确定“受保个人身份”资格的具体标准和其他VACA法案实施指南, 请参考链接的8月4日, 2017年校长办公室VACA法案备忘录. 请注意,《皇冠官网网站》于2018年9月由Pub进一步修订.L. 第115-251号,增加了一个新的受保个人类别. 新类别包括在38美元以下有资格获得康复的个人.S. Code § 3102 pursuing a course of education with education assistance from the Training and Rehabilitation for Veterans with Service-Connected Disabilities (Chapter 31) education benefits program. CCCCO目前正在修订《皇冠最新网址》第68075条.以反映联邦法律的变化. 同时,地区应参考联邦法规(38 U.S.C. 请参阅《皇冠官网网站》所涵盖个人的完整名单(3679(c)). 这一变化对3月1日以后开始的课程或学期有效, 2019, 然而, 3月4日, 2019, 退伍军人事务部发布了一份豁免令,将各州遵守该规定的最后期限延长至9月30日, 2019. 大学应该免除新的非居民群体的学费,立即生效, 但只要他们在9月30日之前遵守规定,就不会受到处罚, 2019.